K-12 After-School Enrichment

Saratoga Sets the Stage for Family Fun

The Afterschool & Rec team at Saratoga Family Residence recently hosted a fun-filled Family Game Night. Families were jazzed to spend a carefree evening with their kids and other families from the Saratoga community. Director of Afterschool & Recreation Michael Chapman explained that Family Game Night

2023-03-14T08:41:03-05:00October 28th, 2022|

Back-to-School Roundup!

Prospect, Allie’s Place, and Saratoga Family Residences held Back-to-School backpack giveaways, thanks to donations from KidCare, Volunteers of America, and Free Arts NYC. These students were well-prepared as they kicked off the 2022-23 school year! Saratoga dove

2023-03-14T08:46:29-05:00September 20th, 2022|

“Saratoga Silly Project” Gives Voice to Youth Experiences

The “Saratoga Silly Project,” a collection of ceramics, claymation, and animation, will be displayed in an interactive gallery at Saratoga Family Residence. The project features clay sculpture characters based on children at Saratoga sculpted by Beverly George, a recreation coordinator in the afterschool program.

2022-06-22T10:54:13-05:00June 16th, 2022|

Writopia Festival Showcases Scripts by Saratoga Afterschool Students

Earlier this month, the creativity of Saratoga Family Residence’s afterschool students took center stage at the Worldwide Plays Festival in Bryant Park. The festival was produced by Writopia, a non-profit that offers creative writing workshops for children ages 2-18. Writopia has been collaborating with HFH since 2013, primarily providing supplemental afterschool

2022-06-08T09:15:30-05:00June 6th, 2022|

Testing Out Trades with Tools & Tiaras

Afterschool students at Saratoga Family Residence tested out the trade of plumbing with a recent workshop, hosted by Tools & Tiaras, that portrayed how water filtration systems operate. Students learned the significance of the field of plumbing and the job security that can be gained by entering the trade. The

2022-06-08T09:16:50-05:00May 13th, 2022|

Saratoga Family Residence In the News

Qns.com covered a book reading tied to the release of “Knock Knock, Where’s My Sock?” by Adina Lichtman for the kids and parents at the Saratoga Family Residence in Jamaica, Queens. The book was informed by several families living at Saratoga Family Residence and features a poem by one of the teens temporarily living

2022-06-07T08:31:00-05:00December 13th, 2021|

Knock, Knock: Saratoga’s Afterschool Hosts A Book Reading

Saratoga Family Residence held a book reading to celebrate the release of an illustrated children’s book which was informed by several families living in the HFH shelter and includes a poem from a teenage resident about her experiences with homelessness.  The book Knock Knock, Where’s My Sock? by Adina Lichtman, founder of the organization Knock Knock, Give A Sock,

2022-06-08T09:24:26-05:00December 3rd, 2021|

Alma Makes Her Way to HFH’s Bronx Afterschool & Recreation Programs

Fred Rogers Productions and PBS KIDS, in collaboration with local affiliate THIRTEEN, hosted an exclusive premiere screening of the new animated series, Alma's Way, for the students at HFH's Bronx family residences. The show features Alma, a cheerful, young Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx who uses critical thinking skills to solve everyday problems alongside her friends

2022-06-08T09:28:00-05:00November 5th, 2021|
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