saratoga family residence

Grateful Gatherings at HFH Family Residences

At HFH Family Residences, families and staff welcomed the beginning of the holiday season with Thanksgiving celebrations. These cheerful festivities are more than just gatherings with friends and loved over delicious food—they serve as a way to engage with HFH families and connect them with their community.

2023-11-30T12:31:00-05:00November 30th, 2023|

Building Young Entrepreneurs in Saratoga Afterschool

Saratoga Family Residence is fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs in its Afterschool program. Through the Saratoga Financial Credit Union—which operates with “Saratoga Bucks” as its currency—and the Youth Entrepreneurs Pop-Up Shop—a temporary store front in the Recreation area—students learn real-world financial concepts and

2023-11-21T14:00:54-05:00November 21st, 2023|

Celebrating Superheroes: A Recap of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day at HFH

This spring, our family residences buzzed with heartfelt celebrations as parents, kids, and staff came together to show appreciation to the wonderful parents with memorable Mother’s Day and Father’s Day events. While the majority of HFH households are female-led, it’s important to recognize the significant presence of fathers within the HFH community. This Mother’s

2023-11-17T09:31:38-05:00July 3rd, 2023|
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