
Parents ‘Celebrate Their Greatness’ at Williamsbridge

On November 21, Williamsbridge Family Services held a 'Celebrate Your Greatness' event for parents. The event featured interview tips, professional makeup artists, and a barber. Parents also participated in self-care workshops and received professionally shot LinkedIn photos. Family Services staff, volunteers, and partners at Red Lips for Change and That Suits You facilitated the event.

2023-03-14T12:02:18-05:00December 2nd, 2019|

Finding Support, Stability & Community: One Mother’s Story

Originally from New Jersey, Shallaya discovered she was pregnant while living at a single women’s shelter in Harlem. “I’m new to New York, so I wasn’t sure how to do things,” she explained. “So I had to start from scratch.” After entering Prospect Family Residence in 2018, Shallaya, then 23 and pregnant with

2022-07-22T15:06:43-05:00November 28th, 2019|

You’ve Heard of Book Club, What About Job Club?

Book clubs are a way for friends, colleagues, or even strangers to get together to form a community around a common book. Well, at our Prospect Family Inn, the new Job Club, is a way for a community of parents who are temporarily residing in shelter to get together around a common theme--jobs. But

2017-10-11T22:54:16-05:00September 22nd, 2017|
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