Family Works

2018 In Review

2018 was a year filled with innovative accomplishments, partnerships, and initiatives. We strengthened existing parent programming like Family Works while launching unique new pilot programs like Babies and Brunch. Our after-school, recreation, and early childhood education staff continued to develop engaging new ways of sparking the imagination of children in

2024-07-11T10:27:13-05:00January 17th, 2019|

Family Works Graduates Thirteen Interns

Interns in our Family Works program were honored at a graduation ceremony this past week. The three-month program provides valuable, hands-on job experience to shelter residents who meet a set of basic criteria through internships in security/safety, child care, housekeeping, and maintenance. Our interns are guided by mentors and employment specialists and participate in

2022-06-09T09:41:07-05:00March 1st, 2015|
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