Summer Camp Gives Homeless Children A Chance To Just Be Kids

Homelessness places profound stress on a child's life, and many of these stressors are compounded during the summer season. Homes for the Homeless offers a unique opportunity for over 550 children to attend Summer Camps in Harriman State Park and experience the season as a kid should - with activities including hiking, swimming, dancing,

2022-06-09T09:39:57-05:00July 28th, 2015|

Changing the Odds

Bronx teens volunteer to help homeless youth Changing The Odds is a group of Bronx teenagers who volunteer at least 20 hours of community service helping others. (April 9, 2015 12:28 PM) A group of teens is helping young Bronx children living in shelters across the borough. Bronx teenagers with Changing

2022-06-09T09:40:22-05:00April 9th, 2015|

Homes for the Homeless on Al Jazeera America

Saratoga Family Inn was featured in a news story by Al Jazeera America on the rise in family homelessness. With one in 30 American children now homeless, families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. That’s why the support offered at Saratoga Family Inn is so important. The story highlighted

2022-06-09T09:41:30-05:00January 1st, 2015|
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