
HFH Newsletter – Summer/Fall 2013

In this issue we spotlight one of our day care employees, Sade Dickson, whose initiative in starting a Parent Action Committee at the Saratoga Family Inn has created a renewed sense of community within the Early Childhood Education Center. Another feature focuses on Family Works, an internship program designed to provide adults in our

2022-06-09T09:42:31-05:00November 1st, 2013|

HFH Newsletter – Spring 2013

In this issue, we spotlight KidCare, an organization founded by a dynamic group of young professionals with a desire to give back to children in need. Another feature focuses on college volunteers from St. John’s University who are leading job readiness workshops for parents at the Saratoga Family Inn. We are pleased to share

2022-06-09T09:42:59-05:00May 1st, 2013|

HFH Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2012

This edition of our Bulletin focuses on how our four New York City family shelters are unique, as they provide not only a place to sleep for our neediest families and children, but offer a wide range of other programs. Our educational and instructional programs, like the Clinton Family Inn’s Play and Read program

2022-06-09T09:43:18-05:00May 1st, 2012|

HFH Newsletter – Winter 2012

As a friend of Homes for the Homeless, you were probably saddened, but not likely surprised, that the most recent U.S. Census numbers showed 30 percent of New York City children were living in poverty. Unfortunately, in these tough economic times, it is children who suffer the most. Rather than be discouraged, Homes for

2022-06-09T09:43:34-05:00January 1st, 2012|
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