Gator of the Month

May Gator of the Month: Mason

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to recognize Mason as the Gator of the Month for May 2024. Mason always shows up to program excited for the day and is respectful to both staff and classmates alike. He is responsible, dependable, honest, and follows instruction. We can always depend on

2024-06-04T14:50:14-05:00June 4th, 2024|

April Gator of the Month: Amaia

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Amaia as the Gator of the Month for April 2024. One of our newer Gators, Amaia has wasted little time making her presence felt. She is not shy to express herself and be a friend to staff and students

2024-05-03T14:25:31-05:00May 3rd, 2024|

March Gator of the Month: Love

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Love as the Gator of the Month for March 2024. Love always shows up to program with a smile on her face and leaves with that same smile. Once she puts her mind on something, she’s going to master

2024-04-08T13:24:02-05:00April 8th, 2024|

February Gator of the Month: Noah

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to recognize Noah as the Gator of the Month for February 2024. Noah is a friend to all in program; whenever he enters the class, the other children’s faces light up. We’ve seen him grow from a shy boy to a

2024-03-06T15:47:27-05:00March 6th, 2024|

January Gator of the Month: Ayden

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Ayden as the Gator of the Month for January 2024. Since he began attending Afterschool & Recreation, he has become increasingly more confident in speaking to his peers, and it is evident how much he enjoys attending the

2024-02-01T14:40:37-05:00February 1st, 2024|

December Gator of the Month: Ezabella

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Ezabella as the Gator of the Month for December 2023. Ezabella has been part of the afterschool program since its inception. She is always helpful and respectful to staff and her fellow Gators alike and is a pleasure to have in the

2024-01-02T11:13:39-05:00January 2nd, 2024|

November Gator of the Month: Thyrel

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Thyrel as the Gator of the Month for November 2023. Since joining afterschool, Thyrel has become the “Big Brother” of the program. A respectful young man, he is constantly lending his help and support—and Beyblades [a class favorite toy]—to anyone and everyone who asks. Congratulations,

2023-11-29T15:43:07-05:00November 29th, 2023|

October Gator of the Month: Fahtima

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Fahtima as the Gator of the Month for October 2023. Our newest Gator, Fahtima fits into program like a missing puzzle piece. Fahtima always comes to the Afterschool program with an eagerness to be around her peers and engage in daily activities.

2023-11-01T12:50:40-05:00November 1st, 2023|

September Gator of the Month: Angel E.

Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to honor Angel E. as the Gator of the Month for September 2023. Angel first came to the Allie’s Place Afterschool & Recreation Program roughly a year ago speaking very little English. He is now not only comfortable speaking English, but he has also

2023-10-02T11:34:38-05:00October 2nd, 2023|

August Gator of the Month: Angel I.

Allie's Place Afterschool & Recreation is proud to recognize Angel I. as Gator of the Month. Cool, calm, and collected are the perfect words to describe Angel; it’s hard to get under his skin or bring him down. A man of few words, he's not afraid to speak his mind when

2023-08-30T15:56:32-05:00August 30th, 2023|
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