A group of volunteers from Lufthansa embodied the spirit of corporate social responsibility during a visit to Saratoga Afterschool. Employees from the international airline spent the afternoon teaching students about aviation and global cultures.

Saratoga Family Residence is located close to John F. Kennedy International Airport. Therefore, Saratoga Afterschool provided the perfect landing spot for an airplane-themed lesson. The Lufthansa volunteers began by speaking with the children about their airline. They explained the ways that planes operated and built excitement about flying.

Then, they helped students take a virtual flight for themselves. Since Lufthansa is an international airline, their employee base is extremely culturally diverse. Recognizing this, the Lufthansa volunteers got global with their lesson at Saratoga. The volunteers chose to represent various countries, from Bulgaria to Pakistan. They created posters with facts about their countries and other educational props. They then encouraged children at Saratoga to ‘fly’ between the countries, expanding their global education along the way.

In the Dominican Republic, students learned about Merengue and traditional dishes. In the Czech Republic, students learned about the invention of sugar cubes and contact lenses. In the United Kingdom, they learned about Queen Elizabeth II and the linguistic nuances of British English. Other countries featured included Pakistan, Bulgaria, Italy, and Mexico. Each station also provided young travelers with a country-specific stickers.

Another activity allowed children to take flight into their own hands with a classic paper craft. Colorful paper airplanes soon filled the lesson space, allowing students to guide their own journeys. They also served as a souvenir to remind students of their day of aviation and global travel.

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